Lymphedema is a common localized fluid retention condition resulting from impaired lymphatic drainage. Lymphedema can involve any part of the body system and cause many problems, including swelling, skin breakdown, cellulitis, and decreased functional capacity. Patients with lymphedema are at increased risk for medical complications and secondary infections due to prolonged exposure of tissues to moisture. Some potential benefits of using a lymphedema compression pump include:

Lymphedema Compression Pump: Lymphatic Flow and Drainage

The lymphatic system collects and returns excess interstitial fluid to the blood. Lymphatic flow and drainage are improved with a compression pump due to increased PDP of skin tissue.

The pumping action of lymphedema pumps and the materials and design features incorporated into most models can increase lymph fluid flow through damaged lymphatic vessels, causing an improvement in edema. The pump may reduce the time required to achieve edema reduction, and the pump may increase lymphatic flow in previously non-functioning lymphatics leading to a decrease in edema.

Improve Skin Condition

One of the most important benefits of using a Lymphedema Compression Pump Therapy is improving skin condition. A well-functioning pump with proper cuff design and functioning can keep the skin dryer longer. When the skin is dryer, it heals faster, preventing breakdown and improving overall skin condition.

In addition, lymphedema pumps can improve skin conditions by reducing auto-massage occurrence. Auto-massage is when the patient unknowingly kneads and rubs their arms or legs, creating shearing forces on the skin, which can cause damage and breakdown.

Pain and Discomfort Relief

Lymphedema pumps keep the skin dry and reduce associated pain and discomfort. The reduced pain and discomfort allow patients to get more rest without interruption. This makes lymphedema pumps a vital adjunct to conservative treatment of lymphedema.

It would be nearly impossible to treat lymphedema without using a compression pump in some form, as these devices are so important in the initial management of lymphedema.

Improve Circulation with Lymphedema Compression Pump

The improved circulation achieved with a lymphedema pump may improve the circulation in other parts of the body, especially the part that lymphedema affects. The increased circulation in these areas may also lead to healing, a short course of treatments, or even an outright cure.

With increased circulation came relief from major symptoms or severe pain. In addition, the reduced pain and discomfort allow patients to get more rest without interruption.

Improve Overall Quality of Life

Patients can lead more normal lives by reducing swelling and pain and improving skin conditions. Patients resume their normal routine of sleeping, eating, and going about their day. Once patients have achieved edema reduction with a Lymphedema Compression Pump, they may be able to wean off the pump to maintain those benefits. A compression pump can be a great tool in helping patients increase their quality of life.

In addition, improvements in skin condition can give patients a better appearance, leading to a positive self-image. In addition to reduced pain, patients can be more active. Pumping on the go is now possible with a portable pump. More patients continue their work, exercise, and participate in hobbies they love.

Increase Mobility and Range of Motion

Through improved lymphatic flow, skin condition and edema are reduced, and the sufferer will have increased mobility and range of motion will improve. This increased mobility is one of the most important benefits of using a lymphedema pump. It is crucial to walk around comfortably, even carrying heavy objects.

Walking is one of the most straightforward exercises to do with lymphedema, and it is the most likely physical activity to be continued once the edema has been reduced. However, losing mobility can be difficult for some patients, so using a lymphedema pump will help reduce the symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.

Reduce Hardening of Tissue

Hardening is a common problem associated with lymphedema patients, and it can lead to secondary complications such as cellulitis. By reducing edema and improving skin condition, the risk of suffering from fibrotic changes is significantly reduced.

Reduce Risk of Developing a Secondary Lymphedema

Lymphedema causes swelling, so lymphedema shrinks the lymphatics. Without circulating fluid, the body concentrates fluids in the tissue below an injury. If this concentrated fluid is not drained properly, it becomes trapped and infected. Secondary lymphedema develops from these blocked lymphatics.

The development of this type of lymphedema is prevented with a Lymphedema Compression Pump early in the management of lymphedema. However, lymphedema compresses the blood vessels and can cause a decrease in blood circulation in an arm or leg. Lymphedema can cause part or all of the lymphatic to be blocked, leading to tissue death in the affected area.

Reduce Swelling in the Affected Limb

Reducing edema in the affected limb is one of the most important benefits of lymphedema treatment. There are many treatments for lymphedema, including compression therapy and surgical treatments such as lymph node removal and flaps, but with initial edema reduction, these treatments will work.

When lymphedema controls the limbs, it leads to swelling of the arms and legs. The development of lymphedema affects both young and old people. Lymphedema causes swollen ankles and feet, which can make walking difficult. Lymphedema also causes swelling in the hands and fingers, which may cause pain when gripping objects.

Increase Muscle Tone

Lymphedema can cause the lymphatics to be blocked, which leads to swelling in the affected limb. When lymphedema affects both arms or both legs, lymphedema causes muscles to shrink and weaken in the affected areas. This loss of mobility and muscle tone is called hypotonia.

Also, when the lymphatics are blocked, muscle tone is often lost in other parts of the body. The increase in muscle tone will help patients be able to walk better and generally get around better. However, lymphedema can also lead to hypertonia, where the muscles become too strong and cannot be controlled easily.

Improve Stamina and Energy

The erection of the affected tissue can cause fatigue and pain, but once the edema is reduced, the patient will have more energy. Lymphedema Compression Pumps are beneficial in reducing swelling and increasing energy levels. The reduction of swelling can increase the range of motion, which helps improve stamina and reduce fatigue. This benefit cannot be overstated. Using a lymphedema pump can dramatically affect a person’s quality of life by improving their stamina and energy levels.

Promote Healing of Chronic Wounds

Lymphedema often causes a chronic wound that is difficult to heal. A Lymphedema Compression Pump can help improve the healing process by reducing swelling in the affected area and encouraging more lymph flow.

Also, lymphedema may make it challenging to heal certain wounds, such as pressure sores. According to recent research from the National Lymphedema Network, lymphedema has a role in developing pressure sores. Like lymphedema, it can help create an environment that promotes the development of pressure sores. Using a lymphedema pump can help reduce swelling and enable affected tissue to heal more quickly.

Lymphedema has ruined the quality of many people’s lives by making it hard for them to do their normal daily activities. However, lymphedema can be treated if the condition is diagnosed and treated early on.

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For inquiries, please email our office at [email protected], and we will send a quick reply will be sent about your condition. If you require a personal consultation that requires an appointment, please call the office today at 416-782-5353.

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