
907, 2022

Types of Compression Wear for Nighttime (Elastic, Velcro)

July 9th, 2022|

Do you have problems with your circulation at night? Do your legs feel tired and achy in the morning? If so, you may need to start using compression wear while you sleep. There are two types of compression  garments typically worn during the night - elastic and velcro. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of each type to help you [...]

207, 2022

Circular Knit Compression Sleeves

July 2nd, 2022|

Circular knit compression sleeves refer to a tight, elasticized band of fabric typically worn on the arms or legs to assist in improving blood flow. In the recent past, these sleeves have become the mainstay in the treatment of various conditions, particularly those involving mild swelling. These sleeves are typically used on a standard limb shape and aid in reducing [...]

2506, 2022

Types of Compression Wear for Mobility Issues

June 25th, 2022|

If you or someone you know struggles with mobility issues, then you know that finding clothing that is comfortable and easy to wear can be a challenge. Compression wear is such a popular choice for people in this situation. There are many types of compression wear on the market, but which one is right for you? Here, we will discuss [...]

1906, 2022

What is Secondary Lymphedema?

June 19th, 2022|

The human body protects itself from infections through the release of the white blood cells (WBC). These cells are the gate-way to the body’s defense mechanism. One special type of WBC is the lymphocytes. These are cells located in the lymphatic system which help the body fight viruses, bacteria and other disease causing micro organism. However, a blockage may occur [...]

1606, 2022

Circular Knit Compression Stockings

June 16th, 2022|

We all know the cold can be particularly rough this time of year. We turn to all the tricks in our arsenal to keep warm and healthy, but one thing that often falls by the wayside is our circulation. They're great for when we're on our feet for hours at a time and for those trying to avoid too much [...]

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