Circular knit compression sleeves refer to a tight, elasticized band of fabric typically worn on the arms or legs to assist in improving blood flow. In the recent past, these sleeves have become the mainstay in the treatment of various conditions, particularly those involving mild swelling.

These sleeves are typically used on a standard limb shape and aid in reducing pain and swelling linked to lymphoedema. They are best used with early to mild stages when swelling is still moderate.

Apart from lymphoedema sufferers, you can also spot athletes in various disciplines wearing them on their ankles, calves, elbows, and knees. The sleeves are worn the same way a person wears a pair of socks.

Materials Used to Make Circular Knit Compression Sleeves

Circular knit compression sleeves are generally manufactured using a combination of two materials: spandex and nylon. It’s a blend that creates a stretchy, lightweight cover for the arm or leg. In some cases, the manufacturer may also use polyester.

The popularity of the compression sleeves has led to users attaching the term ‘compression’ to any stretchy, skin-tight activewear worn for different purposes. However, it’s worth noting that true compression should, in fact, apply gentle pressure to achieve the intended effect.

Simply put, the sleeve should hug the target area. Therefore, refrain from using oversized sleeves.

What Do the Circular Knit Sleeves Do?

Before looking into their uses, there’s a need to look into their primary function – improving blood circulation in a given area. Manufacturers use a systematic and scientific approach to weave these sleeves to ensure they can apply certain amounts of pressure and compression.

For example, if using the sleeve on your leg, the pressure and compression it applies should enhance circulation and blood flow to and from the limb.

Additional functions linked to Circular knit compression sleeves include:

  • Accelerating muscle and joint recovery time
  • Injury prevention
  • Protecting a given target area
  • Regulating temperature around the selected area

Circular Knit Compression Sleeves Uses

Circular knit compression for the arms and legs are made using a stretch material that allows them to sit comfortably in the target region. The material guarantees steady support and ensures it will last for as long as possible.

Their uses are varied, as seen below:

Circular Knit Compression Sleeves and The Lymphatic System

A fully functional lymphatic system easily moves lymph fluids from the target area towards the neck. As it does so, it also eliminates any debris, e.g., general waste, excess fluids, dead blood cells, and toxins that it finds floating around.

Various medical conditions can target the lymphatic system causing it to stop working as it usually does. When this happens, a person develops lymphedema – swelling in the arms and legs.

Often, the swelling occurs when there’s too much fluid buildup in the lymphatic system and the body’s vascular system. The circular knit compression sleeves can assist in remedying this situation by encouraging the lymphatic system to continue working normally.

Their specialized design assists in promoting the flow of blood along the intended paths. As it increases blood flow, it also refuels the energy-depleted cells it finds along the way while discarding the toxins.

Their removal allows for oxygen-rich blood to make its way to these areas. The blood supplies the target region with the right composition of chemical compounds, nutrients, and vitamins. Your tissues are, consequently, able to resume their daily functions.

Circular Knit Compression Sleeves for Protection and Body Temperature Regulation

As blood flow to the target regions improves, your body becomes better positioned to regulate internal temperature. Circular knit compression sleeves for the calves and arms play a significant role here due to their ability to wrap around the ligaments.

The sleeves get to wrap around the ligaments that tolerate the most weight and movement, ensuring these remains at a constant rate. The body will begin to warm up as you move around, causing you to sweat in an attempt to cool it down.

These compression sleeves will ensure you retain an optimal blood flow to that region, ensuring that the metabolic processes won’t get interrupted for any reason. Accordingly, the sleeves can act as a safeguard that encourages blood to your limbs during cold days.

Conversely, the special fabrics used in their manufacture will allow your skin and limbs to sweat and breathe on hot days. These two processes will let the body cool down and allow the metabolic processes to continue working optimally.

Protecting Limbs

Besides regulating body temperatures during hot and cold days, the circular knit compression sleeves can also help protect your limbs. They can work to protect them from external abrasions that may occur when going about your daily life.

If you like, you can think of them as an added layer of protection. They are similar to that extra layer of clothing you wear on a cold, windy day. However, unlike regular clothing, the breathable nature of these sleeves ensures your body gets to maintain the correct temperatures.

Compression Sleeves and Competitive Sports

If you have ever watched competitive basketball, you may have noticed that all the pro basketballers tend to spot compression arm sleeves. The same holds for competitive sports that involve a lot of mobility in the upper body sections.

A player can use the sleeves as an additional support system or a preventative measure. Regardless of the reason for wearing it, the sleeve will compress the elbow joints and arm muscles to keep them aligned to the body at all times.

Furthermore, if working with tired or sore muscles, the sleeves can offer additional support in two ways:

  1. Supplying the muscles with oxygen-rich blood needed to keep them grinding
  2. Boosting strength to the sore and over-worked muscles

In competitive sports, these circular knit compression sleeves can come in handy in treating pain brought about by the golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow. Their compression design enables the sleeve to increase blood flow and apply pressure to the source of your discomfort.

Over time, the sleeves can reduce inflammation and relieve tension and pressure in your muscles.

Benefits Offered by Circular Knit Compression Sleeves

Doctors initially prescribed circular knit compression sleeves to reduce burn victims’ scarring and treat varicose veins. But as seen above, their uses have increased over the years, and this is all due to the benefits they have to offer, which include:

Help Muscles Recover, and Injuries Heal Quicker

You can wear these sleeves to assist your muscles in recovering from previous strenuous activity. While it may take longer to recover and return to your usual self, wearing a compression sleeve will help you recover more quickly.

The sleeve improves blood circulation enabling the injuries to heal much faster.

They Protect Your Skin

Compression sleeves can provide you with an additional layer of protection. For example, they can work as a mini shield when going against another pro basketballer on the court. They assist in reducing the number of cuts and bumps sustained when playing.

Improves Blood Circulation

Athletes who sustain injuries while out on the field often have to deal with bad blood circulation. Poor circulation impacts their performance in the field, leading to swelling and inflammation.

Sleeves ensure that you never have to worry about these two issues.

Assists in Regulating Blood Temperature

As we mentioned elsewhere in this article, compression sleeves can assist in regulating body temperature. They help ensure that your body doesn’t become too hot or cold, which may cause the metabolic processes to slow down.


Circular knit compression sleeves were once a preserve of lymphedema sufferers and people with poor circulation experiencing light to moderate swelling. And while they’re still recommended for the same, their uses have increased as people become aware of their benefits.

Their seamless nature ensures you’ll remain comfortable all day while enjoying the support offered

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For inquiries, please email our office at [email protected], and we will send a quick reply will be sent about your condition. If you require a personal consultation that requires an appointment, please call the office today at 416-782-5353.

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