If you have undergone breast cancer surgery, your doctor may have recommended wearing a post surgical compression vest or top. This is because compression garments can help to improve healing and reduce swelling. It is thought that compression vests and tops are only used by women who have had mastectomies. This is not the case. In fact, any person who has undergone breast cancer surgery can benefit from wearing compression garments.

What Are Post Surgical Compression Vest and Tops

Post Surgical Compression Vest and Tops are specially designed garments that support and compress the chest area. They are often made from breathable fabrics such as Lycra or spandex. The amount of compression provided by these garments varies. Some provide light compression, while others offer firm compression. You should discuss with your doctor what compression level is right for you.

Compression vests and tops can be worn after breast cancer surgery, including mastectomies, lumpectomies, and reconstructive surgeries. They are typically worn for a period of six to eight weeks. Some people may need to wear them for more extended periods. The duration of time that you will need to wear a compression garment depends on:

  • The type of surgery you have had
  • The location of your surgery
  • The amount of tissue removed
  • Body’s natural healing process

Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how long you should wear your compression garment. You should generally wear your garment for at least 12 hours a day. You can remove it to shower or bathe.

Benefits of Wearing Post Surgical Compression Vest and Tops

  • Improved Healing
    One of the main benefits of wearing a compression garment is that it can help improve healing. This is because the compression helps to reduce swelling. When you have surgery, your body releases fluid into the area that has been operated on. This can cause swelling. The garment compression helps prevent this fluid from building up and causing swelling. If you have less swelling, you will likely experience less pain and a shorter recovery time.
  • Reduced Swelling
    Swelling is a common side effect of surgery. It is caused by fluid build-up in the area that has been operated on. Fluid buildup causes pressure and can be painful. It can also delay healing. Compression garments help to reduce swelling by applying pressure to the area. This helps to prevent fluid from building up and causing swelling.
  • Fewer Seromas
    A seroma is a collection of fluid that can develop after surgery. They are most common after mastectomies. Seromas can be painful and can delay healing. They can also cause infection. Compression garments help reduce the risk of seromas by applying pressure to the area. Seroma formation is more likely to occur if there is excessive fluid build-up. When they occur, they are usually small and do not require treatment. However, if they become large, they may need to be drained.
  • Reduced Risk of Lymphedema
    Lymphedema is a condition that can occur after surgery. It is caused by a build-up of fluid in the lymphatic system. This can cause swelling, pain, and difficulty moving the affected limb. Lymphedema is more common in women who have had mastectomies with lymph node removal. It can also be caused by other types of surgery, including lumpectomies and axillary node dissection. In men, the condition is most commonly caused by prostate cancer surgery.

How to Choose the Right Compression Vest or Top for You

Not every compression garment suits you. Different garments are available, and the level of compression they provide varies. You should discuss with your doctor what type of garment is right for you. They will consider the type of surgery you have had, the location of your surgery, and the amount of tissue removed. The following tips can inform the choice of the proper compression garment for you:

  • Get fitted by a professional. A trained Compression Garment Fitter can help you choose the right size and type of garment. They will also be able to show you how to put on and take off the garment.
  • Choose a comfortable garment. The garment should not be too tight or too loose. It should also be made from a breathable fabric.
  • Choose a garment that is easy to care for. The garment should be easy to wash and dry.
  • Choose a durable garment. The garment should be able to withstand frequent washing.

Tips on How to Wear Your Compression Vest or Top Comfortably

  • Wear the Garment for the Recommended Amount of Time Each Day
    Sometimes wearing compression vests and tops may be uncomfortable, and you may want to take them off. Try to wear it for the recommended amount of time each day. This is usually at least 12 hours, so the compression has time to work.
  • Remove the Garment to Shower or Bathe
    Never shower or bathe while wearing your compression garment. This can cause skin irritation. Always remove the garment before showering or bathing.
  • Wash the Garment Regularly
    Wear clean and fresh compression garments every day. Wash them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid using fabric softeners as they can reduce the compression of the garment. Instead, use a mild soap when washing your compression garment.
  • Take Care of Your Skin
    Wearing a compression garment can cause skin irritation. To help prevent this, wash the skin under the garment every day. Apply a moisturizer to the skin if it is dry. If you develop a rash, stop wearing the garment and see your doctor.
  • Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing Over the Top of the Garment
    You may want to wear loose-fitting clothing over the top of your compression garment. Wearing a compression garment that is too small can cause skin irritation. Wearing a garment too large can also be uncomfortable and may not provide the level of compression you need.
  • Avoid Wearing Constrictive Jewellery
    Remove all constrictive jewellery before putting on your compression garment. This includes rings, bracelets, and watches. These can cause skin irritation and make it difficult to put on the garment.

Take Away

Compression garments are an essential part of post-surgery care. They can help reduce the risk of complications such as lymphedema and skin irritation. There are a wide variety of compression garments available on the market. You should speak to your doctor about which type of garment is right for you. Some garments are designed to be worn all day, while others are only meant to be worn for a few hours each day. You should also make sure that you purchase a compression garment that is the right size.

Soft Touch Mastectomy

For inquiries, please email our office at [email protected], and we will send a quick reply will be sent about your condition. If you require a personal consultation that requires an appointment, please call the office today at 416-782-5353.

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